Buy Me A Cup Of Tea

$5.00$35.00’s concept of funding art, artists, writers, students and so many more aspiring people.

Help today by supporting’s staff and students. feels and receives feedback that our writing sometimes helps people, especially those that are looking inward. Sometimes it helps people that are looking for perspective or entertainment.

If our writings or perspectives or anything about our story has helped you, made you feel better, helped you understand something, maybe even if it just helped you to see that my way was not your way, but in seeing that, you could SEE what YOUR way was!

SKU: cup Category:

Description’s concept of funding religion, art, artists, writers, students and so many more aspiring people.

Help today by supporting’s staff and students. feels and receives feedback that our writing sometimes helps people, especially those that are looking inward. Sometimes it helps people that are looking for meaning, perspective or entertainment.

If our writings or perspectives or anything about our story has helped you, made you feel better, helped you understand something, maybe even if it just helped you to see that my way was not your way, but in seeing that, you could SEE what YOUR way was!

If we have helped, we would love a little help in return. Frankly, we would appreciate it. We aren’t asking for charity, but if you want to look at it like buying a cup of tea or coffee or something we would appreciate it.

So there it is… Help if you like, no guilt or anything else for any that choose not to help.

Feedback would be very welcome there as we am new and trying to figure out the best way to open up and enable people to give back.

All stories, articles or publications are written and produced by staff and students.

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Thank You
Siparah Team

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Cup of Tea/Coffee

1 Cup, 2 Cups, 3 Cups, 4 Cups, 5 Cups, 6 Cups, 7 Cups


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